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Montessori Baby: Month 5

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The fifth month has been a relatively quiet month in terms of Montessori activities, since Dayna has been experimenting with her vocal cords a lot and working on rolling over.

Also, I was so busy with the festive period and getting preparing for Ryaan’s birthday that I didn’t take out much new material for her. Nonetheless, here are some of the activities Dayna did this month.

My Family Board Book

More than any kind of material, Dayna is most fascinated by faces. She loves looking at us, watching our expressions and watching our lips closely as we speak. She even tries to mimic the sounds we make but it usually ends up with her blowing raspberries.

Her interest in faces led me to make a board book for her, with pictures of everyone in our immediate family. She loves looking at the pictures, but for now, mostly just tries to get the book to her mouth. I printed this book for Dayna at Photobox, it was so easy to make and arrived pretty quickly too.

Waldorf Doll

I’m not sure where I got this doll and what it’s called, but I had bought it for Ryaan when he was a baby. It is the perfect size for a baby to hold and Dayna loves chewing on it.

Hexagon Rattle

The Grimms Hexagon Rattle is a lovely teething ring that also makes sounds. Inside the wooden hexagon are seven coloured wooden discs painted purple, red and yellow. Since Dayna wants to grab everything and bring it to her mouth, she loves this rattle. The fact that it is colourful makes it even more appealing to her.

Pikler Triangle

The Pikler Triangle was put away for some timebefore Dayna was born, as we had needed the space. We brought it out again and Ryaan has rediscovered his love for it, and it is especially useful during lockdown since he really needs gross motor movement to get his energy out.

Dayna loves watching Ryaan climb the Pikler triangle and slide down it. When he isn’t there, we let her explore the triangle and attempt to pull herself up to standing. More often than not, she grabs the bars and tries to mouth them, which is perfectly fine for initial exploration. As she grows older and starts to crawl, she will explore the triangle in more dynamic ways.

We purchased our Pikler triangle from a site in Germany several years ago, because they weren’t readily available in the UK at the time. However, you can now find some pretty good options on Amazon.

Rainbow Cellophane Windows

This is a beautiful DIY inspired by A Crafty Living. It is simply a collection of six embroidery hoops with coloured cellophane paper sandwiched between them. I hung them on the pull-up bar of the mirror and Dayna explores them both lying down and sitting upright.

In fact, she loves these so much that she has ripped holes through several of them, and I’ve had to replace the cellophane paper inside.

Do read the other articles in my Montessori Baby series, and stay tuned for more articles.

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4