🎩 The Magic of Math 💕
➕ Feeling confident and knowing exactly how to support your child’s math learning
✨ Your child having an innate curiosity for learning
⏰ Preparing math materials for your children that they can work on even when you don’t have the time to sit with them physically
Yes, your children can have a great relationship with math from a young age, even if you didn’t…
It’s all about whether they are given the time and space to explore and pick up math concepts and
fuel their naturally mathematical minds.
Given the right materials and support, they will find math fun and pick up abstract concepts
and complex operations with ease.
How does that happen?
That is exactly what I will show you and teach you inside
🎩The Magic of Math 💕!
How to spark in your child an interest in math and numeracy… without any pressure.
No more…
❌ Forcing your child to sit down and do worksheets
❌ Endless hours of you ‘teaching’ your child math
❌ Long-drawn explanations of complicated math concepts that your child isn’t developmentally ready for
Just pure, unadulterated joy for learning and a love for math.💛
How great would it be…
… if you knew exactly how to support your child’s math learning at home?
… if you knew the progression through math concepts and what material to introduce when?
(not based on your child’s age, but based on your child’s personal path and interests…)
Teaching Math to your children can be simpler.
Given the right materials and support, your child can learn math concepts independently
and have fun doing so!
In 🎩The Magic of Math 💕
I will support you with just that!
We will go through the different stages and types of math materials to take your child on the journey
from concrete to abstract math concepts.
(where they learn to understand Math quantities and operations in a very physical, hands-on manner
before proceeding to do them with pen and paper)
We will look at each stage in detail and the types of materials you could offer to support your child in that area.
This is an 4 session one-to-one coaching program where we look at the journey your child takes to develop their naturally mathematical mind.
You’ll get support and resources to implement at each stage of the journey PLUS get personalised support from me on figuring out where in the journey your child is and how to start simply implementing these materials in your home.
What is included:
4 one-to-one video trainings
Links to all materials/activities shared during trainings
6 weeks support (Mon-Fri) with me on Voxer (this includes access to ask questions and navigate what’s coming up in real-time as you implement hands-on Math learning at home with your child)
Are you ready to spark in your child an interest in math and numeracy? 🎩 The Magic of Math 💕 is the program for you.
Join now at £555, for a limited time only.
(Purchase plans available - DM me for details)
Join now before the price goes up!